Makeup Brush Tip...

Here's a quick tip that will help keep your brushes in great shape for years to come!

Makeup brushes are 5star hotels for pathogenic bacteria! That's why it's very important to give your brushes a deep clean at least once a week and after every client for professional MUAs. After your brushes have been washed MAKE SURE you re-shape your brushes so that the bristles are not flared out. Basically re-shape them into their original shape you bought them in. Also, when drying your brushes make sure you dry them on a flat surface on their side, off an edge for big fluffy brushes. This will make sure the excess water drips off your brushes and not go down into the Handle or flute of your makeup brushes. If you allow your brushes to dry standing up, over time water will begin to break down the glue that holds your brushes to the handle and even worse the glue that holds the bristles together! Not a good look people, especially if your buying one brush for $45.

So make sure you take care of your tools and they will be good to you for years to come! If your interested in a quick brush cleaning click here !


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