Pumpkin Seeds Rule!...

It's Fall! My favorite time of year, not only because of the fabulous fall fashions, but because of my guilty pleasure- Pumpkin Seeds!  Since I was a child I loved planning a trip to the local pumpkin patch  with my family and friends in search of  that one special big fat orange pumpkin. Besides having fun carving them and baking with pumpkins, I love baking pumpkin seeds. Many people just toss the seeds away but this year think again.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in iron, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Sounds good right? Well let me really break it down, Iron is a very important mineral and symptoms of low iron include, tiredness, cracking at corners of the mouth, moth ulcers, sore tongue, poor hair growth, brittle nails. Zinc is needed to prevent symptoms such as, red, greasy skin on your face, poor hair growth, dandruff, brittle nails, white spots on your skin, poor night vision. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and can help with stiff joints and arthritis, dry skin, less youthful and supple skin. For these reasons pumpkin seeds make a great healthy snack, that are super tasty!

If you have never baked pumpkin seeds before just follow the recipe below and enjoy snaking on something your body will enjoy too!

Spray your pumpkin seeds with some cooking spray and sprinkle then with1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, salt and chili powder (or just a pinch if you are not a spice fan). Bake them on a baking sheet at 325F for 10 minutes and voila, a healthy snack for you to munch on.


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